Shocking News

So when I was little one of my favorite movies was The Rescuers, I thought it was so cute. Anyway it was really shocking to find out this little scandal.

On 8 January 1999, Disney announced a recall of the home video version of their 1977 animated feature The Rescuers because it contained an “objectionable background image.”

Scandalous right?! Just wait till you see the picture!

That image was one which appeared in a scene approximately 38 minutes into the film: as rodent heroes Bianca and Bernard fly through the city in a sardine box strapped to the back of Orville, proprietor of Albatross Air Charter Service, the photographic image of a topless woman can be seen at the window of a building in the background in two different non-consecutive frames, first in the bottom left corner, then at the top center portion of the frame:

resc2big resc1

So unlike other Disney films this is clearly something that was blatantly added and Disney was saying that there was some tampering with one of the copes.

As a result Disney recalled more than 3.4 million copies of the movie.

At first no one knew why the film was being recalled, Disney was keeping everything under wraps until they sorted everything out. The only thing people knew were that there were hidden items inside.

So creepy right? After I found this out I was officially creeped out and wondered how many people were watching this movie not even noticing what was in it.